Diet Secrets of The Bible






Easy Hummus




Drain the juice from 1 can of beans. Place the drained beans in a food processor (or blender) and add the second can of beans, water and all. Add the tahini, lemon juice, and garlic, and blend until very smooth.

Hummus is great served with toasted pita bread. Take pita pockets and pull them apart into top and bottom. Them quarter the pita bread. You should have 8 quarters. Brush the bread lightly with a mixture of olive oil, salt and garlic powder. Bake on a cookie sheet for no more than 8 minutes at 350°. Make sure you check the bread though because you don’t want to burn it.

Spread the hummus on a plate and garnish with the oil, salt and cajun pepper. Sometimes I also add garlic powder. You could garnish the hummus with anything you think would be tasty though. The hummus serves as sort of a taste delivery vehicle between the spices and pita bread.

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Copyright 2002, Dan Dodson