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Trenton Film Society

The Mummy

The Mummy could have been a lot better but it could also have been a lot worse.  It was pretty much a big budget ($80M) Jason and the Argonauts meets the Mummy, referring to the Abbot and Costello movie with a similar name.  The movie had the feel of an Abott and Costello movie, not quite as funny but with a bigger budget.

Despite the stupidity of the plot, or a least its predictability, Ray Harryhausen (world famous effects director and honoree of the USA Film Festival) would have been proud of the effort.  The Mummy had better than adequate effects and the acting was comical if not typecast.

Another film that The Mummy draws comparison to is The English Patient.  The period and the scenery are similar up to the plane crash on the desert and even the sick guy wrapped in bandages.  But given the choice between seeing the Oscar winning English Patient again or the also-ran Mummy, I’ll see The Mummy every time.

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